Saturday, June 12, 2010

Oh My Fucking Dog

You know, I spent the last 6 hours or so, sorting emails by conversation strings, and reformatting them for Word so I can have a pretty package for later on in life when I'm not so cute and no one wants to fuck me any more, and I need to remind myself that someone once wrote me love letters, and I've gotta tell you, I'm starting to notice a pattern of behavior.

When you're in the middle of something, surrounded by a cloud of pheromones, I guess it's easy to miss -- or overlook -- some things.

And this is making me work up a big ole head of PISSED. And not at me, my friends. Not at me.  I am not taking on this one. No way. Nuh-uh.

Which I guess is better than lying on my bed with my friend Miss Midwesterly holding my hand while I cry.

1 comment:

Paula Light said...

Good. That's healthy!