Friday, February 24, 2006

Hack! Hack! Cough! Cough! What's that sound?

Oh yeah, that's Sasha Cohen. Choking. Again.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

She ain't no Michelle Kwan, that's why

For the record, I want Irina Slutskaya to win the gold medal. Sasha Cohen strikes me as cold and calculating. No soul.

Technically stunning but soulless and frigid.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Coming Attractions

The following preview has been rated "R" by the blah...blah...blah...

Here are some things I'll be posting soon (this is actually a to-do list, can you tell?)

* Mommy - *sigh*
* Cracky Crackhead -- Die, cockroach neighbor! Die!
* Big Gorgeous Dave from FishBar -- so good looking I thought my eyes would burn up in my head
* Racist Hate Speech at Work -- Shouldn't throwing the "N" word get you fired?
* What I Did to Frank -- coming clean
* Meeting a Fellow Blogger -- FINALLY!
* Why I hate Sasha Cohen -- hint: she's no Michelle Kwan.
* The first installment of "Not Sexy, Honey!" -- as in, Knitting on the Subway? Not sexy, honey.
* The first installment of "Hot-Hottie-Hotties!" (Ok, that name will probably change.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Welcome to My Tiki Lounge


This is a journal, albeit a public one. In choosing to keep a public journal, I'm also choosing to hold my thoughts, feelings and actions up for public scrutiny. One thing you may have noticed about me from my last journal "project" is that I don't sugar coat anything I say or do. This has, in the past, brought people down on me as if they were the judge and jury of my life. Which is okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and judgements.

Think of this blog as my own personal cocktail lounge. Everyone is welcome to come in. There is no velvet rope at the door. There is no dress code.


There are rules. And there is a bouncer. That would be me. So just follow these rules and you will always be welcome here. Break them at your peril.

1) I cherish kindness and compassion over nearly any other human quality. Before you hit that "post comment" button, ask yourself, "Is this kind? Is this compassionate?" Be kind. I once sat in a room with Mrs. Letitia Baldrige, who advised that good manners is nothing but kindness. This is not to say that I won't be posting snark and sarcasm in my usual heaping doses upon the deserving.

2) Don't be an idiot.

3) Civilized discourse is welcome, but remember, your comments will be moderated. Posting a comment on this blog means that there is a likelihood that your comment will be cut and pasted into the blog itself, along with any contact information you include. Don't say I didn't warn you. You put it on my blog. I own it. Consider what you write because even though you can come back and delete it, it may be too late and have become part of the permanent record.

4) Nothing you post as a comment is likely to change my positions on anything. So save the lectures. I wear fur, eat meat, smoke like a chimney, believe that children should be seen and not heard, think that dogs don't belong in retail establishments and slept with another woman's husband for two and a half years. This is my house. If you have so much to say about something I've touched on, start your own blog.

5) Persistent rudeness, flaming, and blog-hating will result in permanent banishment via the Blogger membership requirement. It's just rude.

6) Lurkers are welcome. Not everyone has to dance on the bar. It's my party, after all. My behavior is considered reprehensible by some, but my writin' shore is purty.

7) I reserve the right to change these rules arbitrarily and at my whimsy. It's my party....

And I promise to catch you all up on the New Year soon!