Friday, February 26, 2010

Best Snow Day Sighting - My Kingdom for a Camera!

Friday afternoon, Bedford Avenue subway station. I was so happy the trains were slow.

Guy playing an accordion in the aftermath of a late-season blizzard. Toodles through the "Habanera," then noodles into the swashbuckley music from "Pirates of the Caribbean," struggles through "Axel F's Theme" from "Beverly Hills Cop," and lands on the ultimate accordion tune, the theme from "The Godfather."

Best of all (and why I wished I had a camera with me) -- dude was wearing a Boba Fett mask.

Gawd, I love this city.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Is Andrew Sullivan Pulling my Leg?

Would Sarah Palin really be this much of an asshole?

Down's Syndrome, aka "Trisomy-G," aka "Tri-G."

There's a retard from Wasilla, and it ain't Trig Palin.

Olympics post later.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I Missed the Blizzard

Goddammit! I had to be in Los Angeles while the world was ending on the East Coast.


Rahm Emanuel's Response To Sarah Palin

This was Andy Samberg at his finest.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sunny Sunday in Bushburg

Madison looks regal and elegant until you look a little closer and see -- that tongue! That infernal tongue! It turns her into Cary Grant in a negligee.

Upon close inspection of this image, I was surprised to notice that there is definitely light reactivity in Mambo's right eye -- his pupil is contracting in the sunshine. Maybe he isn't blind. Maybe he's just ignoring me.

Rand Paul Supported by Sarah Palin AND a Whole Bunch of Racists.

So this dude Rand Paul, son of Ron, is running for some office in Kentucky. Now, Paul the son has apparently gotten the support of both Sarah Palin and Stormfront. If you google "Rand Paul + Neo-Nazis" one of the items that comes up on the first search page is a link to a fundraising page for Paul on Stormfront.

If you don't know what Stormfront is, it's a web forum for racist troglodytes, populated by your basic "downtrodden" white-guy Aryan nation knuckle-draggers.

(Somehow or other, the son of the Stormfront guy managed to get himself elected to the Palm Beach County, FL, Republican Election Committee, thereby validating my belief that the Republican Party is indeed the party of racist white guys).

Leave it to Stupid Sarah to not even see what's floating in the pool before she jumps in.

And since I refuse to link to Stormfront, I'll instead send you on over to (one of) my hero Morris Dees' place: Southern Poverty Law Center.