Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Difference Between the Sales Guys and the Tech Guys

Sheesh, when one of my sales guys calls me, he leaves a message that sounds something like this:

"Hi, Jane, it's Bob. I have a question about the Summer Mailer postage. Can you please call me? Thanks, bye. Oh, and Go Blackhawks! Bye!"

When one of his data/techie guys calls me, he leaves a message that goes something like this:

"Hi, Jane, it's Mark, I have a question about the Summer Mailer and the blahdeblah of the blahdeblah. The metrics of the datafile that we received indicate that the blahdeblah of the blahdeblah are yaddayaddayadda. And this means that for the next five or six minutes, I am going to blahblah gibberish into your voice mail, when I could just as easily have sent you all of this too much information in an email where you could sit and read and comprehend it rather than blahblahblahblah wahwahwah yadda yadda."

Seriously? Really? You know, it doesn't surprise me that some guys just got beaten up a LOT in grade school.

And that, my friends, is it for the day.


Don said...

Technical detail is good, so you don't have to call back just to get started.

Technical detail using the human voice sucks. I have a guy who always prefers the phone, talks in long sentences, and has a foreign accent to go with it. Probably he didn't get beat up in grade school only because in his country the smart kids go straight from kindergarten into college.

Aileen said...

A small amount of detail is good. Otherwise, when I get those long messages, you'll find me with my head on my desk jamming a pencil into my eye.