Growing up, we were not allowed to call people "stupid," but then again, I also had to be home before the streetlights came on and would have been killed by my parents for smoking. Since I'm a grown-up now, I'm going to call everyone and everything on Facebook "stupid."
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!
I've been on Facebook for one whole week, and it's already mind-numbingly, stultifyingly, stupid. I want to kill myself when I go to Facebook. In fact, when I look at Facebook, I feel myself growing stupider by the second.
People on Facebook are stupid. They're playing stupid games, some of them ALL DAY LONG. They're sending each other stupid messages and stupid thumbs-ups and making stupid comments OUT IN PUBLIC about stupid things. I've gotten stupid friend requests from people who I never gave a hoot whether I ever heard from them again, with their stupid little messages to go along with their stupid friend requests, and you know what, stupid? I actually, truly do not give a shit what stupid things you have been doing for the past twenty years, because if I did give a shit, I WOULD HAVE STAYED IN TOUCH WITH YOU.
Should I keep my profile up, just so can be an Anthropologist of Stupid?
It's almost as stupid as stupid Twitter.
Facebook is only as good as your friends. To me it feels like sitting around a bar table with all of them, except they didn't all have to pay hundreds of dollars to fly to where I live for it.
My friends and I don't communicate via Facebook.
If the "20 years ago" people think that they can really get in touch with me on FB, fine, let them. I really couldn't give a crap if I miss one of their reunions, since I have apparently missed all of them up till now and don't feel like I missed out on anything.
Hey, don't hold back. If you friend me, you can at least see all of my vacation pictures.
P. S. It says I need an invitation for the new blog. I want in.
New blog is empty as of yet. As I start posting, I'll open it up. I figured it was stupid to have a link to an empty blog.
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