Veronica at Ruby's, May 2010, Coney Island, New York City, New York, USA, the World. The guy in black leather in the background was the drunkest man on the boardwalk that day.

Coney Island 2010 -- Doesn't everyone love a good smootie on a hot summer's day? And yet, they managed to spell "daiquiri" -- an arguably harder word -- correctly.

My sister's cat Sprucy, either playing the cello or just being downright unladylike.

Some random church in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn, NY
Boardwalk is taking it easy, drunkest man is quite vertical. Tell Roni the internet says she looks good. Oho, so does the chick in the straw hat!
That was one of the guy's rare vertical moments. He spent most of his time there careering from one stationary object to another like a pinball.
And yes, Roni is beyond adorable. Men fall in love with her on sight.
She's a much nicer person than I am.
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