So now the city of Phoenix has until December 31, 2010, to come up with a local buyer for the Phoenix Coyotes, or the NHL may move them back to Winnipeg.
The catch is that the NHL must approve the buyer. So if, say, Larry Flynt offered a billion dollars for the team, the NHL would probably reject that offer. First, he's not a local businessman, and second, the NHL probably prefers not to be associated with an owner who has made his fortune peddling beaver shots to the public.
Though I do kind of like the name "Phoenix Beavers" for a hockey team.
I mean, Pierre Balsillie, the Research in Motion (RIM) guy who is responsible for the Blackberry on which I am writing this, has opened satellite offices in buttfuck cities all over the place because he so desperately wants to own an NHL team. Bettman and the League shoot him down every single time.
I don't know what he did, but the League sure doesn't like him.
"RIM Phoenix Beavers" has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
So maybe Arizona's racist immigration laws won't be the downfall of the Phoenix Coyotes, as I so fervently hoped. Maybe the franchise will collapse under its own weight and end up back in Canada (WHERE IT BELONGS, for God's sake!) after all.
Then again, I wouldn't put it past that old coot John McCain to make his wife buy the team for Arizona in a last-gasp plea for votes. He'd probably throw in an offer for all of the NHLPA player reps to tit-fuck Meghan if he thought it would help him win.
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