Roni and Janey at Ruby's, May 2010
My mermaid costume has arrived! And while I'm totally psyched, I don't understand why all costumes have become "(Fill in the Blank Character) as a Hooker."
Seriously, every woman's costume is now, basically, a Hooker costume. Even little girls' costumes are Baby Hooker costumes. I work with a guy whose 9-year-old-daughter told him she wanted to dress up as a "Sexy Pirate" for Halloween. The sad part of it is, he didn't sound particularly upset about it. In fact, he sounded kind of amused. Now, if I was a parent and if I had a kid who wanted to be a "Sexy Anything" for Halloween, I'd be calling ACS on my soon-to-be-ex who currently has custody to find out just why a 9-year-old thinks this is normal.
But you know what? Right now I couldn't care less if your kid wants to dress up like a Baby Hooker.
So the day that Roni and I wait for ALL YEAR is just around the corner. Come out to Coney Island, folks, and have a beer with us (and the rest of the mermaids) at Ruby's.
I'll be the one dressed as a hooker with a tail and long red hair (hey, the votes are in, I'll be a redhead on June 19th).
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