Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rockin' My Inner Joan

Today for some reason I was feeling frisky and decided to dress a little. Since I'm normally a jeans and boots gal, I went 180 degrees and I'm rockin' the full-on Joan Holloway look, which pretty much every person in my office has identified on their own. I've heard "Wow, you look like Joan!" about seven times today.

It's been kind of awesome, but I don't know if it means that I look pretty great today, or if I look like shit the rest of the time.

Workin' the Joan basically means: pack yourself into a pencil skirt that forces you to wiggle when you walk, flaunt your bodacious curves in a 3/4-sleeve sweater, wear your most ladylike crocodile pumps and big pearls, put your hair up, and greet everyone you see, especially men, with a withering look.

I need a pen on a chain.

1 comment:

Don said...

Pen? You could have me on a chain.