Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Because It's Totally NOT GAY If You're The One Whose Balls Are Getting Sucked

The good people at Fox News have decided to embrace the "teabagger" label, making it much easier for all us homo-loving, socialist commie fascists to join the party at their big gun rally next week, where we can pants them and get a good mouthful of teabagger balls and maybe stroke their taints while we're at it. Fingering teabagger assholes is off-limits, because that's totally gay.

(Somewhere, in some fucked-up teabagger mind, someone is doing some kind of mental contortions with this to justify calling the President the "n" word in public or on television. Look for Pat Buchanan or that numb twunt Monica Crowley to step up and do that.)

Sorry for all the ball-sucking, taint-rubbing, asshole-diddling talk. But honestly, has there ever been a bigger group of morons in American politics than this? The scary thing is that they are allowed to vote! And have babies! And drive cars!



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