Tuesday, July 6, 2010

There's Something Seriously Wrong With This

When John Fucking Steinbeck's personal effects and papers go up for auction and only draw 75 grand.

Then again, I'll bet if you went up to 100 people in Times Square on a Friday night and asked them who John Steinbeck was, they'd say, "Isn't he that guy on The Daily Show?"

I'll tell you what, if I ever DO find The Guy, I'd want him to present me with Steinbeck's manuscripts and letters instead of a giant diamond.


The Steinbeck stuff will be worth more in the divorce.


Don said...

My maternal grandmother was at Cal when Steinbeck was at Stanford, and he used to come over with his friends and party, and she used to say he tried to pick up on her. I wonder if that's what inspired my grandfather to step it up, 'cause they got married not long after.

Aileen said...

Cool story, Don!

Jumbo Elliott once stood on my foot at the Lonestar Roadhouse.

Nah, doesn't sound as good.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I remember that. I wold have given him a solid talking to if I wasn't fawning over him, he wasn't something like 6' 5", 300 pounds and I wasn't a drunk, stoned and a relatively un-athletic 6'Jew.
