Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Smarty-Pants Snark and A Couple of Flashbacks

I'm a little bit of a cranky-pants today.

UPDATE -- 10 minutes later. The day just got immeasurably better because "Heartbeat, It's a Lovebeat," by the DeFranco family, featuring Little Tony DeFranco, was just on CBS.  I had to get up and do arm digs, and you know what?  It made me feel better.  What do you mean you don't dance in your office?  I do it all the time.  (I'm just working my way up to doing cartwheels after hours down that long hallway that goes past the Heir Apparent's office. I will do it, too. That is, if I can still get my ass in the air to do a cartwheel at all.)

Makes me think of the Hudson Brothers, another faboo 70's group, who rocked the baddest feathered do's this side of Barry Gibb.

Why don't guys wear their collars out and proud like that anymore? I love those wings!  Trivia: the one in the middle is Kate Hudson's DAD!

Okay, this put a little oxygen into the day and I can go back to work now.

1 comment:

Roy said...

Why don't guys wear their collars out and proud like that anymore?

Without the hair, the scale would be all wrong, and the head would appear much smaller, like a little kid wearing his father's shirt. Also the flying nun effect.