Saturday, December 19, 2009

Teabagger, Please!

According to the National Review, the teabaggers, after months of TV commentators smirking in their faces, were finally brought up to speed about what teabagging actually is.

So I guess they've decided that they don't want to be called "teabaggers" anymore, or maybe they just want the word "teabagger" to become their version of the "N" word, or they want to try to make liberals who have enjoyed a good laugh at them for the past few months "ashamed" of using the word by asking them, "what do you mean by 'teabagger' and why do you smirk?" to which the smart liberal will answer promptly, "Why, it means that you suck men's balls, of course!" Ahh, there's nothing quite like seeing gay panic growing in a wingnut's eyes to fill your heart with Christmas spirit!

Even though Jay Nordlinger is proposing that the more decorous "Tea Party Patriot" be their nom de revolucion going forward, I myself like the sound of "Dirty Sanchezers" or "Rusty Tromboners" much better.

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