1) I promise to try not to call Sarah Palin mean names in this post. But honestly, if she keeps puttin' her skinny ass out there in public I can't see how one can't give in to the urge to kick it.
2) I wonder why the gun control and pro-choice people haven't put up their own web pages listing the names of their reactionary foes, their home addresses, work addresses, phone numbers, their children's names and schools the way the radical right has done. Then they can hold up the shield of the First Amendment if "something" happens to someone. Or they could simply call it self defense, right?
3) On a more serious note than kicking Sarah Palin's ass or the thought that someone might take a shot at the president of the NRA with a gun purchased (legally!) at a gun show without a background check, Mambo is in a swift decline. After the whole "going totally blind and deaf" thing, he had seemed to rally and was doing a pretty good job navigating the house, albeit in a nose-bumping, Helen Keller kind of way. Today I came home, though, and he's now staggering noticeably. I'm sooooo not ready for the end, even though he's had a fairly cushy 18+ years. He isn't hiding the way animals do when they're ready to die, but I don't think I'll get another year.
4) Two hot days does not a summer make! Today was positively mild. I'll take it!
5) Speaking of summer, I just want to point something out to everyone who reaches for a pair of sandals or flip-flops to beat the heat or complete that cute summer outfit. Folks, when you put these on, you are aware that we can see your feet, aren't you? Please, I beg you, if you don't want us to mistake you for Frodo, get at least one pedicure. And if your feet are too awful to look at, I've got one word for you; espadrilles. Today on the subway, I was admiring the cute girl sitting across from me, liked her dress, good haircut, then -- YIKES -- I got to her feet. Not only were her toenails a mess -- they actually looked chewed (I know, ewww, right?) But her toes themselves were completely "what the fahhh?" I swear, her toes were as bent and overlapping as the fence around a haunted house. I couldn't take my eyes off them until I yelled "Beetlejuice!" three times and fled the train at 5th Avenue. Guys, do you notice these things?
6) Someone at work actually noticed that I've lost a bit of weight. Yay! I have to confess there are only two concrete reasons I decided to be kinder to my body; first, I got tired of my poor abused knees hurting all the time. I was literally hobbling up and down stairs like an old lady. Second, I was terrified of turning into that person who gets on a plane and sees the "oh please, oh please, oh please, god, don't let her be sitting next to meeeeee" look in everyone else's eyes. So, now I can RUN up and down subway stairs, and feel ok because I only occupy the seat of 1 person on a plane. I'd actually like to lose a bunch more, but that will come in time. And it was really, really simple; eat less, move more. No pills, surgery, or weird cleanses. Just; eat less, move more. I said simple, not easy. It's been very, very slow, but really worth it.
7) If you didn't catch it tonight, go online and find Rachel Maddow's clip about the Iraqi National Baseball team. It's a truly heartwarming story, but tell me these guys don't look just like American baseball players!
8) I hope, if you are far enough away from a bright urban area, that you are staying up late, lying in the grass, and watching the Perseids this week.
9) Boy, do I miss my dad. I can't believe its been almost two years since he died, and I'm STILL not over it. Some days I'm dumbstruck at the thought that I'm nobody's little girl, the apple of no one's eye. It still just sucks.
10) He is surely no Rhodes Scholar, but Levi Johnston is still hot.

I know its creepily inappropriate for me to say that about a 19 year old kid, but who cares? It doesn't make it any less true.
11) Valerian. That's all I'm gonna say before I head off to bed.
Nineteen is legal.
Nothing drives guys over the edge like a pedicure. If the nail polish is right (i.e. any) we will follow you down the street on our hands and knees barking like dogs.
Sarah Palin has a great Mani/Pedi.
I would.
Just sayin.
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