Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Zombie Blog

You may have noticed that I've been sort of inactive in the blog world of late.  Things have been busier at work than a crackhead with a jones, and I've been sorta trying harder to live life in the real world.

But for some reason, I wanted to bring this old blog back to life, in a quiet sort of way. I don't know how public I want to go with it yet; it may be nice to keep it small and local, and down to a manageable few readers. Honestly, I started to find some of the blog people tiresome, with what seemed to me to be a kind of non-stop contentiousness masquerading as "oh, i love a good discussion," when it was all actually, "Let me tell you why I'M right, and you're wrong." My favorites were the "I'm going to tell you how you feel, and what you meant, when you wrote that," fights. Don't you love people who know everything and feel like it's okay to tell you they know everything?

I've also been kind of wrapped up in getting ready for the Dood to move here, which is now merely a couple weeks away.


I have really got to get my act together and call goodwill to get my house ready.

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