Monday, November 15, 2010

Parable, Allegory, Metaphor for Life, Whatever...

So I get into the office early today, and as I walk down the hall toward my office, I smell the really good smells of French toast and home fries.

My coworker, who always gets in at about 7:30, is sitting at her desk, eating a country breakfast.

I pop in, to do the usual "how was your weekend" rundown, but the entire time, she's sitting there eating this delicious-smelling challah French toast.

In my hand, I've got my little plastic bag from the fruit man on 59th and Park, with its virtuous bananas, granny Smiths, and a bag of baby carrots, which I eat mainly for the chewing sensation than anything else.

"Well," I finally say, "I'm going to go and resentfully eat oatmeal for breakfast."

We all laughed then, but I will admit to being resentful about eating healthy, good-for-your-heart oatmeal, while she sat there plugging wads of egg-fried bread into her piehole.

Sometimes I get tired of eating the things that are "good for me" all the fucking time. You know what? I want to stuff my face with challah French toast on a Monday morning, too!

I'm generally full of resentment right now, so much so that I can barely speak, in fact, knowing that if I do start to speak what will come out will be a howl of fury and rage, and I have to remind myself that yes, my coworker eats French toast for breakfast and Ranch 1 for lunch whenever she wants, but she's also (literally) 100 pounds overweight, is plagued by chronic ailments and pain, and gets "I have to leave early" sick at least twice a month, and would I trade places with her?

Not in one second, not for a million dollars.

But I still wonder sometimes what must it be like to wake up and think, yeah, today, like yesterday, and the day before, I'm gonna eat French toast and Ranch 1.


Paula said...

What's Ranch 1?

I had a crappy day too ... killer headache. Argh!

Don said...

I have oatmeal, tea or coffee, maybe a bagel.

I see a few cow orkers stuff the eggs and sausage they get from the cafeteria now and then, but when I observe how much older so many people younger than me look then me, I don't suddenly get an appetite for that stuff. Eggs, okay. Potatoes maybe. But definitely not the animal fat or the sugar overload.

So calm down, will yehhh?!

gekko said...

:: wants oatmeal ::

I really enjoy a bowl of irish steel cut oats studded with dried blueberries and cramberries, sprinkled with a bit of brown sugar or cimmaNom.

Fr*nch Toast is nice every great once in a while, like a special treat, but if I'm going to do big huge lardy breakfasty meal it's going to involve (avert your gaze, D) bacon.

JD said...

Ranch 1 is this disgusting chicken place in NYC.

Don said...

I lurvz bacon. It's a veg, 'member?