This guy caught our eye. I don't know if it was his Miltonesque glasses (what do you mean you didn't see "Office Space"????), the bucket hat which covered his bald head with the fringe of greasy long hair, or the fact that HE WASN'T WEARING A SWIMSUIT. Yes, ladies and gents, this perv stripped down to his BVD's like it was an okay thing to do.
Interestingly enough, he had a very wide perimeter of beach around him.

I remember once when I was a lifeguard at an indoor pool I had to tell a guy he wasn't allowed to swim in his jockeys. That was awkward.
Did he hit on that piece of ass in the left hand corner of picture three?
Maybe it was Moondog.
The girl in picture #3 was about 15 years old, and alas, she was a little older than the ones El Creepo was looking at.
I think I was most disturbed by the fact that he was standing there sportin' wood like it was the most A-OK thing to do.
nice capture. i think. ick.
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