Thursday, June 25, 2009

Gubmint Idiocy Personified

What is it with the geniuses at the TSA?

At the the Delta terminal at LaGuardia Airport, after you have checked in electronically and indicated that you will not be checking bags, tried futilely to convince the halfwit line monitor that you are an experienced traveler and should be in the speedy short security line and are directed stonily to the "Non-english-speaking family of six with eight suitcases and twelve carry-ons," after you have patiently waited for them while they ransack their bags to get rid of all of their half-consumed bottles of Poland Spring, when you finally get to that little steel table and load your one bag, laptop, and shoes into their individual bins under the bovine gaze of yet another future burger flipper in a cheap gray blazer, you push your bins about five feet to the belt, where the potbellied guy in front of the monitor yells loudly enough for the burger flipper to hear "PUT YOUR SHOES DIRECTLY ON THE BELT!"

I ask you, would it be so hard for the moron at the beginning of the table who watched you and every other passenger put your shoes into a bin (remember, in this "post-9/11" world, we are conditioned to remove our shoes and PUT THEM INTO A BIN) to tell you, as you did so, that you shouldn't PUT YOUR SHOES INTO A BIN?

Maybe I'm cranky because I got up at 3:30 to catch this 6:00 flight to Cincinnati,but Jesus Jumpin Christ on a popsicle stick! I mean, really.

F-in retards.

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