Was this bloated, bigoted toad spoutin' Jesus crap like he was at a tent revival ("...in the name of the one who changed MY life, Jesus." Hello? Rick, please take your narcissism away from this major international event and spooge it where it fits better, like an AA meeting):

But I did appreciate President Obama's shout-out to us "non-believers" or, as I like to call us, "thinkers."
I thought Rev. Rick was comparatively mild. Franklin Graham said the word "Jesus" at the first Bush inaugural like "and if you don't like Jesus I'll personally blow your head off."
Having awoken (5:50am here in New Zealand) a bit too late in proceedings for the Rev Rick (didn't miss much, didn't want to see him anyway), I have to say I am glad I caught those few extra winks before the real party began.
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