1. Why hasn't Henry Waxman started impeachment proceedings against Dick Cheney yet? And if you haven't been keeping up with the Washington Post series, here it is. Read it and weep for your country. Archer's got the best take on it so far... (Archer, have I told you lately that I love you?)
2. The new job is very, very cool, and although the reverse-commute is going to take some getting used to, so far, so good.
3. I hope Rita Ragone gets a bundle from ESPN. This is exactly what happened to me at the Bad Place -- sexual harassment that would not stop, complaining to management about it, having the other men who work there close ranks, and eventually getting my ass fired for my troubles. In fact, I may just call Rita's lawyer and sic him on the Bad Boss.
4. Miss Midwesterly is coming to NYC in two weeks! Yay!
5. I adore cheesy 60's pop songs. Right now The Walker Brother are on, and if you can name their big hit without googling, then I will know you are a paisan of the first order. And they've just segued into Spiral Starecase (no that's not misspelled).
6. Win a prize, tell me why this picture is so sad:

7. We who have been their people have always known of their superiority. I've always suspected that Mambo and Madison are merely biding their time before they go all Lyle and Erik Menendez on me one night.
"Unlike other domestic animals, which were tamed by people, cats probably domesticated themselves, which could account for the haughty independence of their descendants. “The cats were adapting themselves to a new environment, so the push for domestication came from the cat side, not the human side,” Dr. Driscoll said."
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