Monday, May 1, 2006

Why I'm So Very Eggzited Today - The Arrival of The P

First of all, it's the start of my last 1/2 week at my current job before I start my new job next week. Moving on to greener pastures -- GREEN being the operative word. When someone says, "Here is a 50% salary increase," the proper response is, "When would you like me to start?" quite possibly followed by, "Do you want me to play with your balls while I blow you?"

Second of all, and more importantly , my pal The Principessa is here in NYC this week!!! She's way cooler than I am, she does adventure racing and badass shit like that, but she likes brown likker the way I do, and she's just all around good people. And oh. my. god. so much fun to party with. A slope like me, but a hunnert percent, whereas I'm a hapa.

One of my weirdest memories of The P goes something like this: Friday night, 10:30 or 11:00 pm, 44th Street & 8th Avenue, Times Square, rush hour post-theater. Roni, The P and I emerge from the subway en route to a cocktail at Scruffy's, I sling my backpack off, feel it catch on my watch, break the band and listen in disbelief as I hear my watch fall down the sewer. Tink! tink! tink! tink! There follows an hour of the three of us on our hands and knees, crouched over the sewer, drawing a crowd including a policeman who shone his flashlight down the sewer to no avail. I'm a little sad because it was my 30th birthday gift from the ex. But it could be the title of a really great anti-capitalist punk rock song: "Movado Down The Sewer."

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