Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Frankly, He Oughta Get a Medal
How many times have you sat, seething, in a movie theater while someone nearby is yammering away to their companion?
This guy is my hero of the week.
This guy is my hero of the week.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Dock Ellis, R.I.P. 1945-2008
For providing us with the most heavy-metal moment in professional sports, pitching a no-hitter while tripping on LSD (if you can think of any moment MORE metal than that, please advise), for intentionally beaning 4 Cincinnati Reds players (including Pete Rose) while hopped up on speed, nay, for being one of the most badass, heavy-metal, original gangsta players of any sport (apologies to Jacks Lambert, Joe Greene, Brian Trottier, et al), for being the Nikki Sixx of sports, Jane must say ...
R.I.P, Dock Ellis.
R.I.P, Dock Ellis.